There's been a lot of buzz about Facebook since they opened it up to non-students recently. There have also been a number of posts about the difference between it and the other online diary applications. It's supposed to be a more mature version of MySpace.
Recently a high-profile Facebook user, Jason Calcanis, declared
Facebook bankruptcy and comment bankruptcy. He has a great quote midway through his post:
You spend so much time checking off what you'll do that you never do anything.
Robert Scoble wrote:
Calacanis can’t keep up with Facebook This post reeks of geek superiority, when there shouldn't be any. Scoble posts some interesting things and some interesting videos, but his job is different than a lot of other people. He fails to realize this in this post. Facebook, etc. are just tools for non-disruptive communication. The moment that their usage becomes disruptive, they lose their usefulness.
I fail to see how people can spend all day updating their every move on any of these applications and still get any real work done. Not to mention the fact that most people really don't care when/where you are eating, going, etc. These posts are a great reminder to focus on things that really need to be done.