Blog Reading: Bloglines -> Reader
I've been using Google Reader the last few days, first for the Mac-related blogs, now for everything! I tried Reader several times before, but it didn't seem to do handle news the way I like to read them. Somewhere along the way, this has changed. I like the way it keeps a history of previously read items (I have over 3200 items marked in Bloglines). This was part of the catlyst for change---keeping items seems to slow Bloglines down, as it reloads any images. While waiting for one of the blogs to load the other day, I thought "I should try Reader again."
This is my second newsreader switch since I've been reading news/blog feeds. I switched to Bloglines from NetNewsWire about a year ago when I decided that I was rereading (mostly headlines) the same stories at home/office during the day. I still like NetNewsWire, but I don't always have access to it, the way I do to web-based readers.
This cartoon sums things up pretty well:
This is my second newsreader switch since I've been reading news/blog feeds. I switched to Bloglines from NetNewsWire about a year ago when I decided that I was rereading (mostly headlines) the same stories at home/office during the day. I still like NetNewsWire, but I don't always have access to it, the way I do to web-based readers.
This cartoon sums things up pretty well:

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