Monday, January 08, 2007

Reading: Art Garfunkel's Reading List

I saw a post somewhere that pointed to a list of books that Art Garfunkel has read since 1968. He has read nearly a 1000 books since June, 1968. His library is very eclectic. It includes many classics (Dickens, Faulkner, Shakespeare, Twain), popular at the moment (Stephen W. Hawking, Toffler, Gore Vidal), philosophy (Goethe, Kant), psychology (Freud, Piaget), and works by Russian authors (Chekhov, Dostoyevsky, Solzhenitsyn, Tolstoy).

The next time you need a recommendation, just look at Art Garfunkel's list. If nothing else, you can tell your family/friends that Art Garfunkel read it when they ask "What are you reading?"

Tags: Reading

Friday, January 05, 2007

How did anything ever get done before email?

The Good Old Days

Another great bLaugh comic. I've wondered this many times, but mostly about cell phones....

Recent Acquisitions

A few more books I picked up while in Portland.
Some good reading ahead! I've read a fair amount of Killer Game Programming in Java, since I hope to incorporate some of the ideas in it into the Java course I'm teaching.

Tags: Books

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Reading: Blue Like Jazz

This book was recommended to my wife by one of the other faculty members we both know. She was easily persuaded to get it having heard his glowing comments about it. It didn't hurt that my youngest step son and his wife are very active in one of Imago Dei's associated ministries in Portland. She picked up a couple of copies and read it several weeks ago. She gently suggested that I might like to read it also, but I was too busy with end of the semester work.

The author, Donald Miller, describes a number of situations that almost all of us have faced/still face in our Christian walk. It's always good to hear how others resolved some of these questions: Bible reading for example.

His description of ministry is very good. Many would pooh-pooh this book because it describes a post-modern church. These people are behaving in a more Christ-like manner and doing more Christ-like work than many of the traditional churches/denominations!

Read this book!

Tags: Books, Christianity