Wednesday, May 06, 2009


Twitter has become very popular the last few months (in some ways, it has jumped the shark and there is a bit of backlash). Quite a few celebrities have been using it to broadcast their lives. Most of them are actually not very interesting.

The most entertaining is Barack Obama's teleprompter (@BOTeleprompter). A look inside the adventures of the president's most needed staff member!

I've also been following Lance Armstrong (@lancearmstrong), Larry King (@kingsthings), Ashton Kutcher (@aplusk), and of course Oprah (@Oprah). Lance's tweets are the most interesting as he posts about his training and racing. Oprah started twittering after Ashton Kutcher challenged CNN to a race to a million followers for a worthy cause.

For educational purposes, I've been following David Allen (@gtdguy) and Tony Robbins (@tonyrobbins). Both use Twitter to advance their businesses, but it's for the good and not overdone.

I also follow Dave Winer (@davewiner). He tweets quite frequently, but not as much as some.... He has recently created a website that tracks the 100 most popular people on Twitter (quite a few reality TV people).

Of course Twitter has been the subject of numerous cartoons:

Things Twittered

If the 60's had Twitter...

If Apple Bought Twitter

One last one (for now):


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