Reading: Art Garfunkel's Reading List
I saw a post somewhere that pointed to a list of books that Art Garfunkel has read since 1968. He has read nearly a 1000 books since June, 1968. His library is very eclectic. It includes many classics (Dickens, Faulkner, Shakespeare, Twain), popular at the moment (Stephen W. Hawking, Toffler, Gore Vidal), philosophy (Goethe, Kant), psychology (Freud, Piaget), and works by Russian authors (Chekhov, Dostoyevsky, Solzhenitsyn, Tolstoy).
The next time you need a recommendation, just look at Art Garfunkel's list. If nothing else, you can tell your family/friends that Art Garfunkel read it when they ask "What are you reading?"
Tags: Reading
The next time you need a recommendation, just look at Art Garfunkel's list. If nothing else, you can tell your family/friends that Art Garfunkel read it when they ask "What are you reading?"
Tags: Reading