Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Shell History Meme

I've seen this on a number of Advogato blogs recently.

history | awk '{a[$2]++ } END {for(i in a){print a[i] " " i}}' | sort -rn | head

98 vi
69 cd
58 ls
57 c++
48 ./a.out
33 mpost
31 ./ren*.sh
23 chmod
21 echo
15 rm

What does it tell you? I edit files, move around between directories, compile some, run the resulting executable. Some things get deleted.

network (another office machine)
111 ls
90 vi
90 cd
48 g++
45 exit
19 mutt
13 chmod
12 rm
11 mv
10 ./a.out

What does it tell you? I list files, edit files, move around between directories, compile some, logout, read email, delete/rename some files, and run a few executables.

116 cd
74 ./ren*.sh
68 ls
53 vi
53 chmod
48 echo
36 rm
10 exit
10 c++
10 ./up*.sh

What does it tell you? I move around directories, rename stuff, edit and delete files, and some compiling.


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